Monday, April 2, 2012


Crab Stuffed Endives (makes 4 stuffed leaves)

½ Lb fresh lump real crab ready to serve (can 
substitute for packaged if not available)
2tbsp Cilantro (finely chopped)
1tbsp Mayonnaise
¼ tsp Chipotle Sauce (Tabasco brand)
Juice of ½ lime
Fresh black pepper
Romaine lettuce
4 leaves Fresh endive

In a bowl combine crab, corn, cilantro, mayonnaise, chipotle sauce, lime juice and salt & pepper to taste. Detach and clean four leaves of endive. Chop 6 leaves of romaine lettuce and set aside. Now you are ready to make the pico de gallo.

Pico de Gallo (makes 2cups)

1 1/2 cups seeded, diced tomatoes
1/4 cup diced red onion
1 tablespoon diced jalapenos
1 tablespoon minced garlic
Juice of 2 limes
2 tablespoons cilantro, plus extra for garnish
Salt and pepper

In a bowl combine all ingredients, set aside.

On a medium to large dish place the chopped romaine, place the crab mixture onto individual endives end place them on top of the lettuce, serve the pico the gallo next to endives….dip and delight in the fusion.

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